greeting photo

greeting photo

Thursday, December 13, 2012

We are looking for old pictures of you showing to share anonymously for our banquet to celebrate 60 years of WSHJA.  Let me know if you have some to add.
Our schooling series has been very successful!  Hunter schooling the first Sunday of the month and Jumper schooling the second Sunday of the month.  We are also offering 4-H clinics February 17 and March 17.

Thank you to all who voted me in as President of the Washington State Hunter and Jumper Association.  I am looking forward to serving with the other Board members, we get along well and are very like minded.  Past President Shelly Kerron has set a great course for us to follow.  Join us all at the annual Banquet at the Meydenbauer Center January 12 2013 to celebrate our accomplishments.

I am enjoying judging very much and looking forward to participating in the USEF Continuing Education program in Thermal February 25-26 2013.

Our heartfelt wishes for you all to have a wonderful New Year.